
[EU Delegation to Ukraine – General public newsletter] Call for Interest: European Union Visitors Program 2020 (Deadline for applications 27 March 2019)

Call for Interest: European Union Visitors Program 2020 (Deadline for applications 27 March 2019)

The European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP) is an individual visitors' programme that was established by the European Parliament and the European Commission in 1974.

What is the EUVP?

The EUVP is a programme designed to enable active or future decision-makers and opinion-moulders outside the European Union (EU) to get an insight into the political system and more concretely into the functioning of European institutions. It enables them to learn the perspective of European decision-makers on a wide range of issues. The programme is jointly sponsored and administered by the European Parliament and the European Commission.

An EUVP study visit is normally 5 working days of meetings with EU officials at EU institutions in Brussels. Applicants with a political profile are also invited to attend a 3-day plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in which case the study visit will last 8 working days (5 in Brussels and 3 in Strasbourg). All programmes are coordinated and arranged by the EUVP Secretariat. All travel and per diem costs are covered by the EUVP. For more details on the programme, please visit the http://europa.eu/euvp or contact the EUVP Liaison Officer (details below).

Who is eligible to participate?

Ukrainian citizens with a career-related interest in the EU are invited to apply. Ideal candidates, aged 30-40, are professionals in a field where their EUVP experience will enhance their understanding of the EU and contribute positively to their chosen career path. Basic knowledge of the EU institutions (https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/institutions-bodies_en) and their functioning is a plus. EUVP participants should be fluent in at least one of the EU languages.


Eligible participants fall under one of the following categories:  

Politicians, such as members of national and regional Parliaments, party officials and advisers to politicians.

Government/Parliamentary officials. In particular those exercising responsibility in areas of special relevance to the EU.

Media. In particular those exercising an editorial function in areas of special relevance to the EU.

Academics/Think-tanks. In particular those responsible for teaching or researching in the fields of EU.

Civil society actors/Trade unionists. Such as human rights activists, women's rights defenders, environmentalists, trade unionists (in particular those exercising a national responsibility in the field of international relations), etc.

Other: Private sector lawyers, industrialists, bankers, etc. are not normally considered eligible as EUVP participants, except members of a national commission or Chamber of Commerce, Human Rights activists, etc.).

The EUVP is not open for students. Participants are required to have completed their university education or equivalent training and to have been employed for several years in their chosen career/field.

EUVP candidates are selected from a large number of non-EU countries throughout the world. Non-Ukrainian applicants should contact the EU Delegation in the country of their citizenship.

How are participants selected?

First selection of candidates (usually 4 people per year) is made by the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. The final decision is taken by a Management Committee in Brussels chaired jointly by staff of the European Parliament and the European Commission. Selected candidates will be notified in the second half 2019. The study visit will take place in 2020. A list of possible starting dates, along with a letter of invitation will be sent to nominees.

What is the application process?

The EU Delegation to Ukraine is responsible for applications from Ukrainian citizens living and working in Ukraine. Please complete the following three forms and send them by e-mail (with the subject line: Application for EUVP 2020) to Ms Tetiana Zadera,  EUVP Liaison Officer at the EU Delegation to Ukraine on tania.zadera@eeas.europa.eu, no later than  27 March 2019:

  1. Statement of Purpose (To ensure that the individually-tailored program reflects your motivation for the visit and your professional interest, the statement should include a brief description of your current responsibilities, EU theme(s) you wish to examine, topics you wish to discuss, and ideas for potential meetings.) For guidance, please see this model statement of purpose: 

  1. Curriculum Vitae

  1. Application Form

Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed.

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